our luxury leather bag: The Perfect Handbag for Any Event!
Everyone knows that the perfect bag varies based on the occasion. A clutch might be picture-perfect for your cousin’s wedding, but it would be terrible to use for a day at the office. The great news is that there is our handbag for every occasion!
Whether you’re looking for a work tote or a simple handbag for the club, we’ve got the ideal purse to fit your style and needs. After all, there is no such thing as having too many handbags!
The Office
Your everyday office bag is probably one of the most important handbags in your collection. That’s because not only does it get the most use, it has to be functional and gorgeous if it’s going to get the job done right.
- Synthetic Leather: Synthetic leather is key for work. Things get messy in the office between your coworkers and your busy day, so you need something that’s easy to clean and maintain.
- Size: Bigger is better for the office. This tote is big enough to fit your files, folders, laptop, phone, wallet, and even a pre-packed lunch.
- Style: The Fontana Tote is clean, simple, and stylish. The gorgeous dark blue coloring can pair with almost any outfit.
A Night Out
When you’re going out for a night on the town, you need a practical yet beautiful purse that makes a statement without breaking your wallet. That’s where the our bag becomes the perfect choice.
- Flexible: The removable strap lets you keep your bag close and comfortable while you’re walking to the next bar, and the handle makes it the perfect date night clutch.
- Decorative: A night out handbag shouldn’t be boring. The Jane Crossbody has decorative metal accents along with leopard print belts to help you make a drastic statement.
- Practical: This bag has a hard case and simple closing latch so you can carry everything you need while not looking like you have your entire makeup kit ready for emergencies.
Whether you’re in a new city for a work trip or you’re on vacation halfway around the world, the right Evve-Milano handbag can make all the difference.
- Comfortable: When you travel, you want a purse that can travel with you and not kill your shoulders. This bag has a comfortable webbing shoulder strap that you can wear all day and all night.
- Style: Just because you’re traveling, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be stylish. This handbag’s patchwork design says, “I don’t care because I know I look good!”
A Wedding
When you’re about to dance the night away at a wedding reception, the last thing you want to worry about is your purse. Plus, a big handbag will ruin the line of the gorgeous dress that you got just for the occasion. This is why you need handbag
- Small: You don’t need to carry much at a wedding, just your lipstick and a few other essentials. The Matisse gives you just enough room to carry what you need without being a burden.
- Detailed: The key to a good wedding clutch is in the details. The Matisse has a unique four-needle quilted look with gorgeous ruffle detailing and a heart graphic on the front and back.
A Day Shopping
Too many of us get into the habit of using our work purse for the weekend, and that’s a shame. The weekend is the perfect time to put away the office and to enjoy being free women.
- Edgy: On the weekend, while you’re spending the day at the shops, it’s the perfect time to be edgy. The Caracas handbag features unique metallic decorations and styling that’s sure to dress up any outfit.
- Practical: There’s no reason to forget practicality at the shops. This handbag has all sorts of zippered pockets and a detachable on-the-shoulder strap to fit all of your needs.
- Black: Sometimes you want a bag that suits every outfit, and that’s when you need a black purse. It’s just like the little black dress—perfect for every occasion.
No matter the event or occasion, there’s an handbag that’s perfect for you. And at such an affordable price, there’s no reason not to stock up now, so you’re always prepared.